Oggi, come da titolo, sarò io, Ferdinando, a presentarmi.
Amo la moda classica rivisitata, fatta da fantasie come il principe di Galles e il paisley, con toni cromatici più accesi; per quanto riguarda le forme, non disdegno la vestibilità classica dei capi, anche se, presento una tendenza per le forme più strette e attillate.
Parlando degli accessori, non ho preferenze tra cravatta e papillon, in quanto considero entrambi eleganti, anche se il vero tocco di stile, è, secondo me, rappresentato dall'ascot, accessorio raro, ma molto chic.
Dopo questa ampia panoramica su di me ( ci sarà occasione di conoscermi meglio attraverso i posts), è tempo di salutarvi e di darvi appuntamento a breve.
p.s. Sicilian Fashion Secrets. vi augura un gioioso Natale!
Hello everyone from Sicilian Fashion Secrets!
Today, as the title says, will be me, Ferdinando, to introduce myself.
I love classic fashion revised, made by patterns as the Prince of Wales and the paisley, with brighter chromatic tones; analyzing the shapes, I do not dislike the regular fit of the garments, even if, i have a tendency for the tighter forms.
Speaking of accessories, I have no preference between tie and bow tie, because I consider both elegant, although the real touch of style, is, to me, represented by the cravat, rare, but very chic.
After this broad overview on me (there will be opportunity to know me better through the posts),
it is time to salute you and to adjourn the blog in a couple of days.
p.s. Sicilian Fashion Secrets. wishes you a merry Christmas!
Hello everyone from Sicilian Fashion Secrets!
Today, as the title says, will be me, Ferdinando, to introduce myself.
I love classic fashion revised, made by patterns as the Prince of Wales and the paisley, with brighter chromatic tones; analyzing the shapes, I do not dislike the regular fit of the garments, even if, i have a tendency for the tighter forms.
Speaking of accessories, I have no preference between tie and bow tie, because I consider both elegant, although the real touch of style, is, to me, represented by the cravat, rare, but very chic.
After this broad overview on me (there will be opportunity to know me better through the posts),
it is time to salute you and to adjourn the blog in a couple of days.
p.s. Sicilian Fashion Secrets. wishes you a merry Christmas!
a late summer pic, with light colours |
Portrait |
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